
Black Sesame seeds

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Sesame seeds 

Black and white sesame seeds are high in amino acid content. They contain essential fats like polyunsaturated, fatty acids, and several Omega-3 oils.  It is incredibly nutritious with important minerals for daily needs. 1 oz or 28 grams of these toasted seeds contains approx. 25 % of the daily recommended amount for adults of calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, copper, and manganese.

Adults and children need to make sure to eat foods higher in omega 3 fat daily. Some omega 3 rich foods include chia and flaxseeds, walnuts, and canola oil. Sesame seeds are commonly used in Asian cooking, sprinkled on sautéed vegetables. Tahini or sesame paste is superb, mixed into a salad dressing. It is a common ingredient in Persian and middle eastern cuisine, like in chickpea spread, called hummus, where tahini is added.

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