
Tamarind sauce ii

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Tamarind is very rich in magnesium and can neutralize residual heavy metals in the body. This sauce is made from the real thing, Raw, roasted peanuts, raw tamarind soaked in water, and pulp extracted. Tamarind was introduced into the far-east from Southern India by the Kings who used to rule as far as Siam (Thailand), Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Laos, Vietnam, Philipines, etc. Today it is widespread, and in  Indonesian make, it with a spectacular combination of peanuts, cane molasses, and other ingredients.  You can use this sauce for everything you love sweet, sour, nutty, and tangy.

Tamarind sauce

sauce asian
By SS Shiva Serves: 6-7
Prep Time: 20 mins Cooking Time: Soak time 15 mins Total Time: 35 mins


  • 1 cups of water
  • Juice of one lemon
  • 1 cup tamarind pulp
  • 1 1/4 cup raw, roasted peanuts
  • 1 small green chili (optional)
  • 1 1/2 tablespoon cane molasses
  • 5 sprigs of fresh coriander leaves
  • 3 tablespoon soy sauce (to your taste)



When using raw tamarind, soak it in water for 20 minutes and squeeze out one cup pulp for the sauce.


Set aside a quarter cup of roasted nuts to crush for garnish.


Add all other ingredients into a blender and pulse it several times until you reach a nutty sauce consistency.


If you like the sauce smooth blend ingredients until smooth.


As for the taste of tamarind, the flavour is originally lemony and when adding peanut, it gets slightly nutty.


According to your taste, you can adjust the quantity of tamarind and peanuts.


When extracting the pulp I always use all of it. As you can keep the sauce for a week in the fridge. You may want to keep some to of the juice to make a drink. Mix the rest with water and make a juice of it and keep in the refrigerator for a week.

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