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Bathing Procedures and Bath Mantra

Full Bath:

1. Dampen the navel with water.
2. Splash water from the front, wetting the area beneath the navel.
3. Pour water from the back.
4. Apply water to the crown of the head, ensuring it trickles down the backbone.
5. Finally, take a bath all over.

Half Bath / Dip Bath:

If a complete dip bath is not desired, first pour water on the waist, navel, and below before taking the dip.

Bath Mantra (Pitr Yajna):

After completing any type of bath, recite the following bath mantra:

Pitr Purushe Bhyo Namah,
Rsi Deve Bhyo Namah,
Brahma Arpanam Brahma Havir,
Brahmanao Brahmana’hutam,
Brahmaeva Tena Gantavyam
Brahma Karma Sama’dhina’.


Salutations to the ancestors, salutations to the god-like rishis. (Those who, by innovating, have broadened the path of human progress are revered as rishis.)
The act of offering is Brahma; that which is offered is Brahma; the One to whom the offering is made is Brahma; and the one making the offering is Brahma.
Upon fulfilling one’s duty assigned by Brahma, one merges with Brahma.

Repeat the mantra three times while performing the mudra. Remember, honoring ancestors through this ritual is known as Pitri Yajna. Dharma must be upheld even if one’s father is still alive. Follow the mudra as described in the illustrations. To move to the next position, shift your hands in the indicated direction. This marks the end of the bath.

Immediately after bathing and before drying off with a towel, look towards a light source such as the sun, moon, or a bright bulb in the bathroom. Perform the prescribed postures so that the light (preferably sunlight) reflects off the water droplets on your body, dispersing into the seven colors of the rainbow. These seven energies are believed to be beneficial.

Rules and Considerations for Bathing:

Use warm water during extremely cold weather conditions. If you opt out of a dip bath, bathe in a sitting position as standing baths are not recommended. The water temperature should always be lower than your body temperature.

Bathing after midnight is not permitted, and bathing during the midnight sandhya is forbidden.

Everyone is encouraged to bathe during one of the other three sandhyas. Depending on individual health and weather conditions, it may be appropriate to bathe during one or both of the remaining two sandhyas.

The four sandhyas are as follows:

  1. The period from 45 minutes before sunrise to 45 minutes after sunrise is known as ‘dawn,’ the first sandhya.
  2. The noon sandhya is from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m.
  3. The evening sandhya spans from 45 minutes before sunset to 45 minutes after sunset.
  4. The midnight sandhya is from 11:15 p.m. to 12:45 a.m., covering 45 minutes before and after midnight.


1 https://sarkarverse.org/wiki/Bathing_Procedure_and_Pitr_Yajina Shrii Shrii Anandamurti “Bathing Procedure and Pitr Yajina” Ananda Marga Caryacarya Part 3 Sarkaverse.org

2 https://sarkarverse.org/wiki/Bathing_Procedure_and_Pitr_Yajina Shrii Shrii Anandamurti “Bathing Procedure and Pitr Yajina” Ananda Marga Caryacarya Part 3 Sarkaverse.org

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