Sentient Health – A Blissful Life Through Water (pdf format)


The book shares and educates about the natural wisdom of  “Sentient Health” for Harmony, Balance and ultimately deeper spiritual Love and Bliss,  using detox methods, dietary suggestions, yogic exercises, water/mud/and steam therapies, kiirtan (spiritual song and dance), deep meditation and the sharing of good company.

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The material presented in this book is the result of a series of lectures and training courses given by Acarya Jyotiriishananda Avadhuta in India and Taiwan, which had as central theme the importance of water in our life. The courses taught not only about the chemical qualities and cleansing effects of water, but also its ability to convey a subtler energy. In fact, Acarya’s teachings always stress the importance of this psychic element as an essential aspect of the healing process.
Acarya Jyotiriishananda Avadhuta lives in Carbondale, Illinois, USA. He has been dedicating his life for P. R. Sarkar’s Mission called “Ananda Marga” or “Path of Bliss.” He is a trained monk and a meditation teacher having taught on many topics (including water and detox therapies), in many parts of the World, including China, Taiwan, India, South America, Haiti, and the US.
“My goal with this book is to share spirituality and simple methods of yogic self-care to support a healthier and more balanced lifestyle, so that people can maintain their inspiration and become self-empowered in regards to their own physical, mental and spiritual well-being.”
– Acarya Jyotiriishananda Avadhuta
The book shares and educates about the natural wisdom of  “Sentient Health” for Harmony, Balance and ultimately deeper spiritual Love and Bliss,  using detox methods, dietary suggestions, yogic exercises, water/mud/and steam therapies, kiirtan (spiritual song and dance), deep meditation and the sharing of good company.

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