
Vegan ‘Fillet-O-Fish’

This is a great substitute for a look-alike Fillet ‘o Fish 🙂 There are many ways to make it using tofu, though due to GMO soy concerns, it is recommended to use organic soy. Even then, many people are experiencing intolerance issues.

For today’s recipe, we used Urad Dal to create a firm batter that helps form the fillets.

This special Fillet ‘O Fish has been well worth the effort, offering a delightful alternative for gluten-free and vegan friends. It may seem challenging at first, but once you master it, preparation becomes easy.

Vegan Fillet 'O-Fish'

Serves: 5 to 6 servings
Prep Time: 20 minutes Cooking Time: 45 minutes Total Time: 1 hour 5 minutes


  • Batter Ingredients:
  • 1 cup urad dal, soaked for 6 hrs
  • 1 cup uncooked rice, soaked for 6 hrs
  • 1/2 cup cooked rice
  • 1 teaspoon roasted sesame oil
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 1 tablespoon coriander pesto (see recipe in sauces)
  • 1 teaspoon baking soda (optional, for immediate preparation)
  • For Garnish:
  • Arugula (rocket) salad, or any preferred variety
  • Cherry tomatoes
  • Grilled aubergine with tomato sauce or pesto



Put the soaked rice in a blender and pulse until it becomes a smooth paste.


Add the cooked rice and blend again. Pour it into a bowl and set it aside.


Blend the urad dal until it's smooth. Then add the rice paste and mix well.


Allow the mixture to sit for a few hours at room temperature; for best results, prepare it in the late evening or after dinner and let it ferment overnight (6 to 8 hours) to develop natural digestive probiotics.


If you wish to prepare the fillet immediately, add 1 teaspoon of baking soda, mix well, and let the dough stand for a few minutes.


Add salt and roasted sesame oil, giving the dough a gentle mix.


Form the fillet cakes inside a square mold.


Cook on a hot plate; when bubbles appear and burst on the surface, it indicates sufficient fermentation.


Cook on very low heat until the bottom becomes crispy and crunchy.


Use a knife to gently scrape between the dough and the edges of the mold, applying slight pressure to remove it.


Flip the fillet and cook until the other side is equally crispy; if needed, flip again briefly to achieve additional browning.


This recipe has its challenges, but the result is a well-earned, gluten-free, vegan fish 'o' fillet.


Serve on a plate with your favorite garnish or side dish, with a drizzle of pesto if desired.


  • 250.0 Calories
  • 35.0g Carbohydrates
  • 0.0mg Cholesterol
  • 7.0g Fat
  • 5.0g Fiber
  • 8.0g Protein
  • 300.0mg Sodium
  • 0.0g Trans fat

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