
Vegan “Fillet-O-Fish”

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This is a great substitute for a look-alike Fillet ‘o Fish 🙂  There many ways you can make it with tofu, and these days due to all the GMO soy you have to get organic soy, even then many are getting intolerant as well. But for today’s recipe, we used Urad Dal, which makes a good firm batter to help form the fillets.

This is a special Fillet O Fish 🙂 it was worth the effort and  I enjoyed cooking this great alternative, especially for gluten-free and vegan friends. It’s a bit of a challenge to prepare this initially, however, once you get the hang of it, it’s easy.


Serves: 5-6
Cooking Time: 45 mins


  • 1 cup urad dal, soaked for 6 hrs
  • 1 cup uncooked rice, soaked for 6 hrs
  • ½ cup cooked rice
  • 1 tsp of roasted sesame oil
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 1 tbsp coriander pesto. (see recipe in sauces)
  • For Garnish:
  • Use arugula (rocket) salad or any kind you like, some cherry tomatoes or grill some aubergine and roll it up with tomato sauce or pesto.



Put the soaked rice in a blender and pulse until it becomes a smooth paste.


Add the cooked rice and blend again. Pour it into a bowl and set it aside.


Blend the urad dal until it's smooth. Then add the rice paste and mix well. You can let it sit for a few hours at room temperature. It's best to make the mixture late evening or after dinner to let it stand overnight until the next morning. This process is a natural way to allow for the dough to ferment, which creates natural digestive probiotics after 6 to 8 hours of the fermentation process.


If you like to prepare the fillet immediately, add a teaspoon of baking soda, mix well and allow the dough to stand for a few minutes.


Add some salt, sesame oil and give the dough a gentle mix, and the next step is to make the fillet cakes inside a square form or mold.


While the fillet is on the hot plate, bubbles will appear and break on the surface of the dough; this is a sign that shows the dough has fermented sufficiently.


The result of the very low fire cooking is the bottom will be crispy and crunchy.


The next step is to use a little knife and scrap between the dough inside, and four edges of the square mold. Be sure to apply slight pressure on the square frame to help remove it.


Flip over the fillet and allow to cook until the same crispiness as the top. If you see the top needs, a little more browning, flip it over again for a few seconds. This recipe has a few challenges, and when it is done it's worth the effort to have a gluten-free veggie fish 'o' fillet.


Serve on a plate with any garnish or side dish that you prefer. Some pesto will go beautifully with the fillet.

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