It also regulates blood sugar levels and can also reduce cortisol levels. While this is an experimental dish, it’s actually really good! Follow the recipe below to learn how to make this beautiful dish.
In a pot wash and boil the barley cereal in 3 cups of water. While it is getting cooked prepare the rest of the ingredients. In a saucepan over medium heat add coconut oil and sauté thyme, ginger, and apples for 2-3 minutes. Keep the apples almost raw or half-cooked. The water will be almost be absorbed by barley leave a slightly watery consistency, add in coconut milk stir the mixture allow it to simmer for one minute, and remove from heat. Add the sauteed apple, ginger, and coriander leaves. Garnish with Physalis fruits to give a tangy flavor to the soup. Physalis is also known in some parts as Cape Gooseberry or Ground cherry Barely Coco Apple Soup
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