There are many different stories surrounding the invention of cocktails. Some say they were concocted by the British, others believe the Irish first invented them, while legends also point to The Big Apple. Cocktail Spirits historian David Wondrich explores all of these myths and legends in depth.
But today’s post is about mocktails – and especially, sentient mocktails. A few years ago in London, while helping a friend shed a little weight, I watched him and his guest sip a mysterious drink, which inspired my mocktail alternative. The cocktails they were guzzling, glass after glass, seemed designed to wreak havoc on their bodies. The very thought of the damage alcohol could do to any sentient being moved me to create a healthier option.
Cocktails, typically a mix of various alcohols and syrups, are a common party favorite, but not only are they bad for your health, they can also be expensive. Instead, try these fresh, healthy, and inexpensive Veggie and Citrus Mocktails. The veggie mocktail, infused with kale and cucumber, boasts a deep green hue packed with chlorophyll, while the citrus mocktail, with the unique blend of grapefruit and orange and a hint of green grapes, offers a pleasantly bitter-sweet taste and a burst of nutrients. Perfect for refreshing yourself on a hot summer evening after a hard day’s work.
Sentient Mocktails
Nutritional Benefits: Grapefruit is a powerhouse of vitamin C, offering excellent immune-boosting benefits. It also provides vitamin A, which aids in faster recovery when you’re under the weather. Incorporating grapefruit into your mocktail not only enhances its flavor but also supports internal health. Green grapes are naturally rich in vitamins C and K, bolstering immunity and assisting with blood clotting. Additionally, they are a good source of potassium, which helps regulate blood pressure by balancing excess sodium. Their resveratrol content also aids in fat metabolism, making them a great addition for those looking to manage their weight. Enjoy these amazing benefits in every sip.
- For Citrus Mocktail
- 1 grapefruit
- 2 oranges
- 2 cups of green grapes, with seeds
- For Veggie Mocktail
- 4 kale leaves
- 1 cucumber
- 2 sprigs of coriander leaves
- 1 thumb-sized ginger
- 4 celery sticks
- Handful of arugula
- 2 cups green grapes
- 2 cups of cubed pineapples
Using a juicer
Wash, peel, and slice all the ingredients into small pieces.
Add the fruits one at a time into the juicer and extract the juice.
Mix well, pour the mocktails into serving glasses, and serve.
Optionally, add some ice cubes for an extra-cool effect.
Using a blender
For the citrus mocktail, blend all ingredients into a smooth liquid.
Strain the liquid through a cheesecloth and squeeze out the juice.
Repeat the same process for the veggie mocktail.
For a refined presentation, consider transferring the juice into an elegant decanter or jar before serving.
183.2 Calories
40.0g Carbohydrates
0.0mg Cholesterol
1.0g Fat
5.0g Fiber
2.0g Protein
10.0mg Sodium
0.0g Trans fat
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