Healing recipes/ Juices & Smoothies

Ulcer Buster II

One of the main reasons for Ulcer Buster II variation juice is to heal our stomach from many years of not making an effort to chewing the food in the mouth before the pulverized and crushed food can reach into the stomach. Helicobacter pylori commonly cause ulcers. H pylori bacteria are present in the digestive tract, stomach, and intestinal systems. When it begins to proliferate excessively, then there is an imbalance.

This green juice or smoothie is an undeniable health-boosting concoction. Apart from being rich in antioxidants and vitamins, Ulcer buster variation is a powerhouse for treating ulcers in the stomach and numerous other illnesses that affect the human body.

Diseases are inevitable as long as we have a human body. Our guts play a key role in our health. Whatever we place into our digestive system will first get assimilated into the mouth. The important action of chewing the food we eat then gets absorbed into the intestinal system.

The stomach plays a vital organ is in between the intestine and mouth. To be totally processed for optimal absorption, the food we eat requires effort to thoroughly chew whatever food is placed “first” in the mouth. The action of chewing must not be taken lightly, as the stomach is incapable of crushing it for you. It must be done in the mouth, as there are no teeth in the stomach. 🙂

A peptic or stomach ulcer is a condition where open sores (wound) are formed inside the stomach lining and sometimes in the upper portion of the small intestine due to acidity. Helicobacter Pylori Bacteria causes it. This green juice made with coriander, apples, kale, and other ingredients is not only rich in anti-oxidants, and each component has its unique ulcer soothing properties. (Read more to find out about how my friend who was suffering from ulcers for 25 years, vanished permanently with this green juice method in 30 days)

A key ingredient in this juice is apple, and one of the highest sources of polyphenolic compounds most readily available is in apples. Polyphenols are scientifically proven to have anti-ulcer properties. They increase mucus production in the stomach and prevent the growth of H. pylori bacteria. You can get rid of the ulcer pains and wounds within 7 to 10 days for very mild cases.

Kale contains sulforaphane which inhibits the growth of H-pylori bacteria, and it is also rich in vitamin B and calcium, which boosts immunity and speeds up the healing process.

Ginger contains gingerol and zingerone; studies suggest that specific ginger extracts containing gingerols assist in treating or preventing H. pylori CagA and strains in vivo. Fresh ginger and tea are potent in eliminating H. pylori bacteria. Drinking ginger tea daily for a period will help counter infection and clean your gut off this bacteria.

Studies on Mongolian gerbils have shown that ginger extract prevented and treated H. pylori-induced infection and inflammation. Such studies confirm that the medicinal properties of ginger help treat gastric disorders.

Coriander: Coriander contains linalool, which is an excellent anti-septic and also has anti-inflammatory qualities.

Try out this Ulcer Buster for 7, 14, 21,30 days: Depending on your severity.

  1. In the morning, after waking up, drink one liter of lukewarm water with lemon and honey. (Lemon is acidic in taste and alkaline internally and hence erodes dental enamel. Use a straw to avoid damaging your teeth)
  2. Fifteen minutes later, have the ulcer buster juice, sip on it slowly. Swish the juice in your mouth for a minute before swallowing it. After having the juice, it is vital to stay hydrated.  Consume plenty of plain water or lemon water with salt throughout the day
  3. In the evening, have another glass of this juice. You can switch pineapple for grapes or any other seasonal fruit of your choice.
  4. After having this juice for dinner, you can have miso soup – made with hot water, freshly grated ginger, and one tablespoon of dehydrated kombu algae.
  5. During this process, you should not consume solid food for 30 days.

Note: The method and tips given are for general information and should not be construed as professional medical advice. Consult your doctor before trying out this method.  

Ulcer Buster variation

Healing juice Dadaji's Ulcer buster variation
By Dadaji Serves: 2-3 cups
Prep Time: 10 mins Cooking Time: 25 mins Total Time: 35 mins

Nutritional Benefits: This ulcer buster variation is a nutritional powerhouse that offers digestive tract healing as well as preventive benefits. Apples contain polyphenols that have been scientifically proven to have anti-ulcer properties as well as digestion boosting properties thanks to a potent prebiotic known as pectin that promotes the growth of healthy gut flora. They increase mucus production in the stomach and prevent the growth of H. pylori bacteria. Kale contains sulforaphane which inhibits the growth of H-pylori bacteria, and it is also rich in vitamin B and calcium, which boosts immunity and speeds up the healing process. Ginger contains gingerol and zingerone; studies suggest that specific ginger extracts containing gingerols assist in treating or preventing H. pylori CagA and strains in vivo.


  • 2 Apple
  • 2 Kale leaves
  • 1/4 Pineapple
  • 2 sticks of celery
  • 1 Lemon with skin
  • 1 tbsp. Coconut oil
  • 1 thumb-size ginger
  • 1 cucumber with skin
  • 1/2 pomegranate with seeds and white inside
  • 10 sprigs of fresh coriander leaves (with roots washed clean optional)



Place all ingredients into a blender gradually few at a time.


First, prepare the pineapples by cutting a thin layer of the skin off, cut the flesh into small cubes, and place into a blender and blend until smooth.


Next, add apples, thinly sliced kale leaves, whole lemon, ginger, celery sticks, coriander, and cucumber.


To avoid overloading the machine, blend the juice in small portions and then mix well together in the end.


For the best results, avoid solid food for a fixed period of time either 7, 14, 21, or 30 days, depending on the severity of the ulcer But if you feel like having solid food, as you are habituated to it, blend the ingredients to a chunky consistency, and then you can eat the juice like a smoothie or soup. During this period, it is essential to consume plenty of water (around 6-7liters) every day.

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