Spices/ Sauces/ Starters

Cumin Flaxseed Gomasio

Cumin, Flaxseeds, Brewer’s yeasts. Cumin has been used in India for thousands of years, boasting vast health benefits. Make a cup full, store it in your refrigerator for a week or more, and add it to your salads as needed. There are numerous herbs, seeds, and spices to experiment with, allowing you to create a variety of topping mixtures according to your taste preference.

When quick and tasty meals are needed, this mix stored in the refrigerator enriches the flavor of any dish, making meals special for family and friends. It may also help stimulate digestion through essential enzymes, while providing trace elements of omega oils from nuts, herbs, and spices.

Cumin Flaxseed Gomasio

Topping Fusion
By SS Shiva Serves: 6-8
Prep Time: 5 minutes Cooking Time: 5 minutes Total Time: 10 minutes

A simple, crunchy, and flavorful topping mix combining roasted cumin seeds, flaxseeds, Brewer’s yeast, and a hint of toasted salt.


  • 2 tablespoon cumin seeds roasted
  • 2 tablespoon flaxseeds roasted
  • 2 tablespoon Brewers yeast
  • 1 teaspoon salt toasted



Toast the cumin seeds in a shallow pan.


Toast the flaxseeds separately in the same pan.


Allow both to cool for a few minutes.


Blend the roasted cumin seeds and flaxseeds individually.


Add the Brewers yeast and toasted salt to the blended seeds and mix thoroughly.


Store the mixture in an airtight jar.


Sprinkle over salads, rice, soups, or any meal to add an awesome nutty flavor.


  • 20.0 Calories
  • 1.0g Carbohydrates
  • 0.0mg Cholesterol
  • 0.5g Fat
  • 1.0g Fiber
  • 1.0g Protein
  • 200.0mg Sodium
  • 0.0g Trans fat

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