Advanced Asanas/ Poses for Meditation

Hero Posture (Viirásana)

Hero posture Viirasana, also known as the Brave Posture, is a basic kneeling yoga posture. The pose’s name is derived from the Samskrta words ‘Viira’, which means warrior, and ‘asana,’ posture. Viirasana energizes the root chakra in spiritual practice, making one feel more grounded and impassioned.

How to Execute Viirásana:

  1. Kneel and squat on the heels, with the feet at almost hip-width apart. Ensure to assume this posture gradually as it is a posture that may cause pain on the knuckles.
  2. Get into the posture gently as it is a posture. For this posture, you must point the toes of your feet backward as you sit on the top of your heel, transferring your body weight pressure on the knuckles of your heel.
  3. The weight of the body must be resting on the first and second knuckle of the toes. This will cause pain on the point of the knuckles.
  4. Place the back of the hands over the thighs, the fingers pointing toward the abdomen.
  5. Focus your vision on the tip of your nose, keeping the back straight and the shoulders spread across the back.
Practice: Hero posture (Viirásana): Sustain for as long as possible or reasonably, according to the length of the meditation practice.

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