Yogic Lifestyle

Kaoshikii: The Yogic Dance

Kaoshikii is a dance invented in 1978 by Shrii Shrii Anandamurti. It serves as a psycho-spiritual exercise that benefits the mind by developing stamina and mental strength. Physically, Kaoshikii is particularly beneficial for women.

The name Kaoshikii derives from the Sanskrit word kosa, meaning “layer of mind.” This dance develops the subtler layers of the mind, cultivating a sense of mysticism—the endeavor to establish a link between the finite and the infinite in one’s consciousness. It instills self-confidence and encourages self-expression. As a total body exercise, it acts as a medicine in itself, prolonging lifespan, keeping the body youthful, strengthening leg joints, increasing flexibility and endurance, preventing and curing various diseases (including many types of liver diseases), and easing the pain of menstruation and childbirth, thus enabling easier delivery.

Benefits of Kaoshikii

1. It exercises all the glands and limbs from head to foot.
2. It increases longevity.
3. It facilitates easy delivery.
4. The spine becomes flexible.
5. Arthritis of the spine, neck, waist, and other joints is alleviated.
6. Gout in the spine, neck, hands, and waist is reduced.
7. The mind becomes strong and sharp.
8. Irregularities in menstruation are corrected.
9. Glandular secretions are regulated.
10. Troubles in the bladder and urethra are resolved.
11. It provides control over the limbs.
12. It adds charm and radiance to the face and skin.
13. It reduces wrinkles.
14. It combats lethargy.
15. It alleviates insomnia.
16. It addresses hysteria.
17. Fear complexes are diminished.
18. Hopelessness is overcome.
19. It aids in self-expression and develops one’s potential.
20. Spinal pain, piles, hernia, hydrocele in men, nervous pain, and nervous disabilities are treated.
21. It cures kidney and gall bladder troubles, gastric issues, dyspepsia, acidity, dysentery, syphilis, gonorrhea, obesity, thinness, and liver diseases.
22. It enhances the capacity to work until the age of 75-80.

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