Other Basic Asanas

Chair Pose (Sahaja Utkatasana)

The Chair Pose (Sahaja Utkatasana), also known as the Simple Chair Pose, is a posture that is being practiced in Yoga. ‘Sahaja’, meaning ordinary or simple, assumes a position that looks like one is seated on a chair, without an actual chair supporting the body. It means that the ankles are slightly at 45 degrees in relation to the sheen forward slant. This asana is great for practicing balance, addressing the weakness especially of the nerves, of muscles at the leg joints, and also benefitting the entire system. It is a good way to strengthen the muscles in the lower body. It also addresses gout (stiffness of the knee) and removes most problems of the knee.

One should take precaution and try not to go off balance with this asana.

How to Execute Sahaja Utkatasana:

  1. Put both legs together and carefully bend the hips and the knees, as if one is going to sit on a chair (but without an actual chair)
  2. Keep the spine aligned and engage the core muscles and the thigh muscles to keep your balance.
  3. Raise both arms forward and hold the position for 30 seconds.
Practice: Chair Pose (Sahaja Utkatasana) 4 rounds x 30 seconds each

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