Advanced Asanas/ Poses for Meditation

Half Consciousness Posture (Ardhashivasana)

Ardhashivasana, also known as the Half Consciousness Posture , or the Half Shiva Posture is a variation of Shivasana. It has the same benefits as the Shivasana.

It activates the digestive system as well as the thyroid gland. It aids in the relief of menstrual problems and menopausal symptoms because it strengthens the core muscles as well. It aids in the treatment of gas, indigestion, and constipation. This stretches the spine and shoulders as well. This asana is excellent for toning the Manipura and Vishuddha Cakras. It’s also a good posture for the weakness of the neck.

How to Execute Ardhashivasana:

  1. Assume the posture of Parvatasana/Halasana.
  2. Bend the knees when they reach close to the ears, but unlike Shivasana, keep the knees close to the ears, the lower legs raised from the floor.
  3. Once the hands are in prone position on either side of the ear, Interlock the fingers of the hands together and stretch the arms, keeping the base of both hands on the ground.
  4. Maintain this position for 30 seconds.
Practice: Half Consciousness or Locust Posture (Ardhashivasana) 4 rounds x 30 seconds each

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