Poses for Meditation

Knowledge Posture (Jinanasana)

Jinanasana or the Knowledge Posture is a squatting yoga asana. This posture is perfect for stimulating mental alertness and memory. It also prepares the mind for meditation. It also strengthens the muscles on the lower limbs and helps promote balance.

Those with Knee injuries should take precaution when executing this asana. It might be best to consult a doctor or physical therapist before poracticing this asana.

How to Execute Jinanasana:

  1. Slowly squat on the floor, then sitting on the heels with arms a little behind the buttocks.
  2. Shift the left leg forward a little and place the right ankle on the lower part of the left thigh, just above the knee, to form a triangle in a plane parallel to the earth.
  3. Raise the left arm up, touching the ear, keeping the gaze in front.
  4. Allow the tip of the fingers of the right hand to touch the floor to maintain balance.
  5. The hips should always be above the knees.
  6. Sustain for 30 seconds.
  7. Do the same for the other leg and side of the body.
Practice: Knowledge Posture (Jinanasana) 4 rounds x 30 seconds each. Each round consists of practicing the asana for both sides of the body.

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