
Mung beans Coconut Lentils Stew

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It’s a delicious, hearty, rustic stew made out of beans, broccoli leaves, and carrots. You can also add some fried or sauteed tofu. Here is something I do to facilitate prep time for this lovely dish.

To prepare mung beans and lentils, leave the beans to soak overnight. Then, in the morning, just before breakfast, take a minute to throw the beans into a colander, rinse them, pour them back into the pot, replace them with fresh water, and allow the beans to cook without the lid to prevent the water from overflowing.

Then, as the beans take time to get soft, you are free to do other tasks. It takes between 30 – 40 minutes to cook through. Put the timer on to buzz you. So turn the fire off, and you have the major task done before lunch prep. Using a pressure cooker only puts more pressure on the structure of the food; my preference is food with love, not pressure.

My preferred choice is always freshly cooked food, not to use canned stuff for many reasons, and the main reason is the low energy in canned foods it will nourish but drain your vital force. By eating fresh food daily amongst many benefits, there is more vital energy and nutrients in fresh foods!

One tip for cooking beans is in macrobiotic cooking; they place a slice of wakame algae to allow the bean to soften faster and remove toxins. If you don’t have it, add some baking powder while soaking overnight. Then, an hour before lunch, the beans are ready to prepare within 30 minutes. Follow the recipe below, or whip up your own to enjoy this soft bean lentil stew. Believe me; everyone will love it.

Mung beans and Lentils stew

Dinner European
By Dada Shivananda Serves: 4-5
Prep Time: 10 mins Cooking Time: 45 mins Total Time: 1 hour

Mung beans and Lentils stew are easy to make, much tastier, and healthier than any takeaway dinner. Ingredients are all-natural. It's quick, easy, and fun always to make your own meal. It's ideal for a busy weeknight.


  • 1 cups mung beans soaked in water overnight and cooked
  • 2 medium carrots, cubed
  • 1 tbsp coconut oil. (ghee optional)
  • 1 tsp turmeric powder
  • 1 tsp cumin seeds freshly crushed
  • 1 tsp coriander seeds freshly crushed
  • 1/2 tsp nutmeg
  • 1 thumb-sized ginger, finely grated.
  • 6 stems of broccoli flowerlets with leaves



Soak the beans in water overnight. Drain and then cook in a pot of boiling water for about 30-45 minutes or until soft.


In a sauce over medium heat, sauté ginger and all spices and herbs in coconut oil, saute for 1 minute.


Then pour the spice mix into the cooked beans, lentils. Then add the vegetables give it a gentle mix.


Add the finely chopped fresh coriander leaves and stir well.


Remove from the heat and serve in a bowl with a side of tapioca and sauteed broccoli.


You can also add boiled pasta if you are not on low-carb diet.

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