
Tofu nuggets

Everyone, adults, kids, even my friends’ pets, enjoyed nuggets, loving it. The tofu variant gives you a delicate lovable crunch. Crispy little bites have a soft, savory interior, making it quite addictive, just like any fired nuggets do. 

Kids love nuggets, and the Tofu version can be as lovable. These crispy little bites have a soft, savory interior, making it quite addicting, just like other nuggets.

Tofu is versatile and can be used in so many ways. You can have it as it is since it’s already cooked, but the taste might be a bit bland. In fact, the soft kind is eaten like yogurt for breakfast in China, Singapore, and Taiwan.  But in general, tofu can transform according to the flavor that you want it to be.

You can make it more delicious by marinating it, you can fry it without spices and use it as a side snack, with soy vinegar sauce,  and you can even add a sweet syrup for the soft kind tapioca balls, making it a very delicious dessert. Today approximately 90 -95% of soy is transgenic. 

Verify on the packaging if the tofu or soy product that you’re buying is GMO-free or labeled organic before you buy them. Another way is to make tofu yourself with organic beans.  Click here to learn how to make tofu from scratch.

For this recipe, we marinated the tofu cubes to absorb some delicious savory flavors. Then, we made the exterior of the tofu cubes crunchy in this recipe by adding corn semolina before frying it on the pan with some coconut oil. Follow the recipe below to make this delicious treat.

Tofu nuggets

Serves: 4
Cooking Time: 20 mins.


  • 9 oz / 250 grams tofu cut into cubes
  • 1/2 cup of corn or rice semolina
  • 1/2 tsp of ginger powder
  • 1/2 tsp of turmeric powder
  • 1/2 tsp of cinnamon
  • 1/2 tsp of cumin powder
  • 2 tbsp of soy sauce



Cut the tofu into thumb size cubes.


Mix all the spices in a bowl and add two tbsp of water.


Marinate the cubes of tofu in the spices for a few minutes.


Take each cube and coat it with semolina. The semolina will form a crunchy coat around the tofu.


In a saucepan with a little coconut oil, add the tofu and cook until all sides of the cubes are seared and crispy.


You can serve it as a side dish to the main plate or as a starter with some sauce.

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