Healing recipes/ Juices & Smoothies

Drink Away Fatty Liver

Many of my clients were diagnosed with mild to severe fatty liver problems. On my suggestion, most of those who participated in this 30-day watermelon and green juice fast experienced significant benefits. This fast not only helped melt away excess fat from the liver but also aided in detoxification. After the 30 days, they embraced a lifestyle of conscious eating and healthy living, swearing by juice fasts as a natural alternative to tedious and expensive treatments.

This watermelon juice is a healthy way to boost your body’s natural detoxification process. Watermelon supports the liver in processing ammonia—a waste product of protein digestion—and assists in eliminating excess toxins. Try this watermelon juice fast and take a step towards drinking away your fatty liver!

The juice is simple and quick to prepare with just two ingredients: fresh watermelon and lemon. Use a whole lemon (with its skin) for optimal benefits. Although the lemon rind may impart a slightly bitter, astringent aftertaste initially, its bitterness beautifully balances the juice’s natural sweetness over time.

After the first week, enhance your juice by adding generous amounts of chlorophyll, either in powdered form or by incorporating leafy vegetables. I recommend the natural route for added nutritional benefits and healing properties. (If you’re planning to start the juice challenge, invest in a good masticating juicer to reduce pulp and waste while preserving the nutrients of fruits and vegetables.)

Note: The methods and tips provided are for general informational purposes and should not be considered professional medical advice. Please consult your Ayurvedic practitioner, naturopath, or physician before starting this regimen.

What is fatty liver disease?

Fatty liver disease (steatosis) is a condition often linked to modern overconsumption. A healthy liver naturally contains a small amount of fat. However, when fat accumulation reaches 5% to 10% of the liver’s weight, it can lead to preventable diseases.

The liver performs several vital functions, including:

  • Producing bile to aid digestion.
  • Making essential proteins for the body.
  • Storing iron.
  • Converting nutrients into energy.
  • Creating substances that help your blood clot.
  • Forming immune factors and removing toxins from the blood.

Liver Cirrhosis

Cirrhosis involves severe liver damage where healthy tissue is replaced by scar tissue, hindering liver function and potentially leading to liver failure or liver cancer.

Alcohol-induced fatty liver disease

This form is caused by heavy drinking. (Moderate drinking is defined as one drink a day for women and up to two for men; however, in regions with high alcohol consumption, about 5% of individuals develop liver disease.)

Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease

Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) occurs in those who are not heavy drinkers. It affects one in three adults and one in ten children in many developed countries, often due to excessive fatty food consumption. Factors such as obesity and diabetes can also increase the risk.

Watermelon Juice for Fatty Liver

Healing Juice
By SS Shiva Serves: 4
Prep Time: 15-20 minutes Cooking Time: N/A Total Time: 15-20 minutes

Nutritional Benefits: This watermelon juice is a refreshing way to enhance your body's natural detoxification process. Watermelon supports liver function by helping process ammonia from protein digestion and eliminating waste, while lemon, a great source of vitamin C, aids in flushing out toxins and keeping you hydrated. This 30-day juice fast encourages your liver to release excess fat and promotes overall liver health.


  • 1 whole watermelon (8-10 kgs / 17-22 lbs)
  • 2 lemons, sliced



Wash, peel (but retain the rinds), and cut the watermelon into small cubes.


Juice the watermelon cubes using a juicer and pour the extracted juice into a jar.


In a blender, combine the watermelon pulp, the retained rind, and the sliced lemons. Blend until a smooth consistency is achieved.


Place a cheesecloth over a jar and strain the blended mixture, squeezing firmly to extract all the juice. Repeat this process two to three times to fully extract nutrients from the rind.


Mix the strained juice with the previously extracted watermelon juice. Refrigerate the mixture and enjoy throughout the day.


  • 77.0 Calories
  • 20.0g Carbohydrates
  • 0.0mg Cholesterol
  • 0.5g Fat
  • 1.8g Fiber
  • 1.7g Protein
  • 2.6mg Sodium
  • 0.0g Trans fat


Prepare the juice fresh each day for optimal flavor and nutrient retention.

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