Healing recipes/ Juices & Smoothies

Wheataccine WGJ Shot

Wheat Grass Juice (WGJ) is a popular health drink. Wheat, when sprouted, grows into a form of grass above-ground. The roots and rhizome are used to make medicine. The molecular structure is almost identical to human blood and supplies mega-concentrated sources of nutrients. Wheatgrass juice primarily fuels the production of hemoglobin in our system, completely rebuilding the cells of our body. WGJ is magical GREEN GOLD for youthful vigor and is naturally known as Wheataccine WGJ shot.

Wheatgrass, young grass of the common wheat plant, is freshly juiced or dried into powder for animal and human consumption – both forms provide chlorophyll, and 17 amino acids, eight of which are essential minerals, vitamins, and enzymes [5]. Wheat Grass Juice (WGJ) is an extract squeezed from the mature sprouts of wheat seeds. Wheatgrass has been traditionally used, since ancient times, to treat various diseases and disorders. Presently, many wheatgrass suppliers in almost all cities of India supply fresh wheatgrass daily to their regular customers through a home-delivery system for various ailments and as a health tonic.

Dr. Ann Wigmore, U.S.A. founder-director of the Hippocrates Health Institute, Boston, U.S.A., was one of the proponents of ‘Wheatgrass Therapy.’ Dr. Wigmore reported that “wheatgrass” used in her program contains abscisic acid and laetrile, both of which may have anti-cancer activity. It was also reported that young grasses and other chlorophyll-rich plants are a safe and effective treatment for ailments such as some cancers, obesity, diabetes, gastritis, ulcers, pancreas, liver, and high blood pressure. Continue reading.

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