Juices & Smoothies/ Healing recipes

Rheumatism Relief and Prevention

Rheumatism symptoms: Swelling and contractures of the muscles or joints, along with acute pain or deformities, are common symptoms of this condition.

The causes: Similar to acidity, rheumatism occurs when the váyu (bodily air) is disturbed by excessive poisonous acids present in the body.

Rheumatism Relief and Prevention: Patients are advised to drink ample water—about four to five liters per day—taking small sips slowly. Additionally, proper bathing and sunbathing procedures should be observed. Begin by exposing the affected limb to the sunlight several times, and eventually, expose the entire body.

The sunbathing procedure involves exposing the particular limb or whole body to the sun for fifteen to twenty minutes at a stretch during designated times in summer or winter. Once the area is sufficiently warmed, the patient should retreat to the shade and wipe the area with a wet towel several times.

Diet: An acid-dominated system can lead to rheumatism. Therefore, consuming an alkaline diet is beneficial. When three-fourths of the food is alkaline, it may help alleviate rheumatism in a relatively short period. Experiment with natural smoothies made from sweet and sour fruits and roots. Additionally, fasting with lemon juice and water on special days—ekádashii (three days before the full and new moon), púrṇimā (full moon), and amāvasyā (new moon)—can offer significant benefits.

It is advisable to opt for relatively dry foods like whole grain bread at night. Rheumatism patients should minimize intake of starchy and acidic foods such as rice and white bread, and instead choose fruits, roots, and vegetable soups that are alkaline. For example, miso soup with ginger and seaweeds like wakame and kombu (when available without additional algaes) is recommended for lunch or dinner.

Juicing: Regular consumption of juices and smoothies prepared with green vegetables, wild berries, and fruit juices can greatly benefit areas affected by rheumatism.

Additional Therapies: Basic yoga postures and massage  as detailed in the provided links, may help in relieving pain. The dance of Kaoshiki can also promote ongoing relief as the joints and muscles gradually strengthen.

Dos and Don’ts: Similar to acidity treatments, maintaining regular bowel movements by consuming sufficient fibrous foods is important. Some remedies prescribed for acidity may also be effective for rheumatism.

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