Starters, Salads, Soups/ Starters

Nutty Protein bar

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Nutty Protein bars are such a yummylicious and healthy snack. When we go hiking in the mountains in Portugal, I used to make these bars for our team, and once, while tracking in Patagonia with some friends who always appreciate the light load of this little nitro powerpacked candied nuggets. For our trip to the Patagonia glaciers, I added some raisins and dates (since rice syrup was unavailable at the time), giving the bar an extra oomph. The chewy sweetness gave us an instant boost of power.

Let me persuade you on how effortlessly you can make your own protein bar for a fraction of the cost. Store-bought nut bars can be a tad pricey for the small quantity in a pack. The next time you travel or go tracking, this bar can help you maintain your energy level a long way. Kids will also love these candied bars any time of the day. A nutty protein bar is light and easy to carry during daily tracking adventures. 

Nutty Protein bars

Serves: 12
Cooking Time: 45 mins.


  • 1 cup whole almonds
  • 1 cup sunflower seeds
  • 1 cup pumpkin seeds
  • 2 tbsp rice syrup



In a medium skillet over medium-low heat, heat almonds until it is golden brown, and fragrant. Stir occasionally for about 3-5 mins. Set aside.


Then roast the sesame seeds on the same skillet, cooking it for 3-5 minutes, and tossing or mixing frequently, since this burns easily. Set aside.


Roast the pumpkin seeds on the same skillet, cooking it for 10-15 minutes stirring occasionally. Set aside.


Then roast the sunflower seeds for 10-15 minutes, stirring occasionally. Set aside.


Once all the seeds are done put them back together in the same pot and slowly pour the rice syrup over the nuts continuously stirring them to mix well. Make sure to control the amount of rice syrup being poured to ensure that it is evenly distributed, or else the bar will not get crunchy when it dries up


Pour the mixture on a baking sheet or tray, making a large slab. Allow the nuts to completely cool down.


Once it's cooled down, use a knife to cut it up into bite-size pieces approximately two fingers wide and in length. If you are taking it on a trip it's good to wrap these in some vegetable paper. Now you are all ready for the hike!


Makes a nice and easy snack for kids and adults.

Here is another great recipe for your family to snack on at home, or enjoy munching on day trips: A lighter version of Crispy Puffed spelt bars

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