

Cocoamazing Jelly – A Delightful Tropical Treat
This simple yet exquisite dessert is made with tender green coconut jelly, a hidden gem inside young coconuts. In Brazil, an enormous amount of coconut jelly goes to waste—people drink the refreshing coconut water but discard the soft, luscious jelly inside. The reason? It takes effort to break open the tough outer shell to access it. But if you love this delicacy enough, you’ll find a way! Simply ask a vendor to cut the coconut open, and you’ll have the perfect coconut jelly experience ready to enjoy.

The Magic of Cocoamazing Jelly
During my time at our training center in the Philippines, I often ventured into the vast coconut groves surrounding the compound. With a machete and a spoon in hand, I would climb the coconut trees, sitting atop a sturdy leaf stem, savoring fresh coconut water and jelly as the sunrise painted the sky. It was a moment of pure bliss—a morning meditation ritual combined with nature’s bounty.

Coconuts are abundant in Asia and Latin America, growing across Indonesia, South India, Malaysia, the Philippines, Vietnam, Thailand, Laos, and throughout Brazil, Guyana, and the Caribbean. Whether in the tropics or a bustling city, nothing compares to the joy of sipping coconut water on a hot afternoon and then indulging in the cool, silky jelly inside.

A Sensational Treat in Minutes
Whenever I find myself in the Philippines, Brazil, or any coconut-rich country, I make it a habit to ask the vendor to scrape out the soft jelly after drinking the water. Once home, I create a delicious, chilled dessert in just a few simple steps:

✔ Empty the coconut pulp into a bowl
✔ Add coconut milk powder and coconut sugar
✔ Mix well and chill for an hour

When it’s time for a tea-time snack, I scoop up a spoonful and… Mmm! Words cannot do justice to the smooth, creamy, melt-in-your-mouth experience. Cocoamazing Jelly is pure tropical indulgence, sliding effortlessly across your palate, leaving behind a sensation of soft coconut bliss.

Try it once, and you’ll surely come back for more!

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